Hitting 25,000+ downloads on Google Play Store! (and still growing on iOS)

Hi all, a very small post today. Today’s post marks a milestone that I never thought I would get to. That milestone is one of my games getting 25,000+ downloads on any platform. This was achieved by my first Unity game Planet Clicker just yesterday. I have also checked the analytics on iOS and isContinue reading “Hitting 25,000+ downloads on Google Play Store! (and still growing on iOS)”

My opinion of Unity now.

Backstory So as many of you know, all of my games are made in Unity. This is because when I first started learning to make games at the age of 13, this engine was really easy to understand (also a lot of people were doing tutorials about it). My opinion about Unity was a reallyContinue reading “My opinion of Unity now.”

Quick update on one of my projects – Planet Clicker

Hi everyone! I will start this short post by saying I really don’t know how many of you has seen the biggest project I am still currently working on which is Planet Clicker. Planet Clicker was a game idea that came to me when I was 13 which is when I also started working onContinue reading “Quick update on one of my projects – Planet Clicker”